Walter Dulnigg - Microchip pioneer and founder of TreeChip

Born in the Alps of Austria with more than 15 years work experience in the microchip industry.

How TreeChip revolutionizes your logistics

Up to 30% more efficiency

automated, simpler, faster and conciser

  • Inventory
  • Cultivation
  • Warehouse Management
  • Harvesting
  • Consignment
  • Accounting

Instant online check of production status vs. customer orders

How TreeChip revolutionizes your logistics

30% Cost Savings

  • Reduction of labor costs
  • Shorter harvesting period
  • Automated monitoring of working team
  • Achievement oriented payment per palletized tree
  • Automatic plantation statistics

How TreeChip revolutionizes your logistics

100% Accuracy

  • 100% accurate automated inventory of marked/harvested tree
  • 100% accurate automated inventory administration
  • 100% consignment accuracy
  • Reduction of "human factor"
  • Fabrication of accurate (mixed) pallets

How TreeChip revolutionizes your logistics

Higher Supplier Value

  • Shorter truck waiting periods due to automated consignment
  • Higher delivery reliability - bill of delivery matches exactly amount of shipped products
  • Instant delivery/order information for customers
  • Positioning of product brand due to electrical storage (e.g. internet link) on chip
  • Copy protection of labels/brands due to unique chip ID

The patented TreeChip logistic solution

Every Christmas tree label is equipped with a radio frequency TreeChip microchip. The microchip data is wirelessly read by TreeChip Scanners, which are mounted on the different logistic equipment. Every single tree is online registered, monitored and administrated from the marking in the plantation up to the loading onto the customer truck. Work processes are getting simpler, conciser, more accurate, faster and cheaper.

TreeChip Service/Products

TreeChip provides turnkey logistic solutions to Christmas tree growers starting with customized logistic concepts, specifications up to customized product developments, system integration, maintenance and upgrade services.

Christbaum Geschenk Video